Happy Friday! I’m postponing writing about the latest chapter in The Slow Down Diet until tomorrow, because it was a pretty meaty chapter and I’m still working through it. I’m also skipping this week’s “Links I Like,” because this week was a touch light in nutrition news, and the few links I did like, I like so much that I want to actually write about them. So that’s that!
On the home front, I’m doing something radical next week: I’m not using any recipes! If you think this is blasphemy from someone who owns nearly 200 cookbooks (and as many cooking magazines), just wait…there’s more. I plan to spend some of the time savings I net working on a long-overdue project: My cookbook inventory. Ah, the irony!
I will be cooking, but I will be leaning heavily on dishes I don’t need recipes to make, as well as the simple, lighter fare I’ve been craving now that it looks like summer is actually reaching the Northwest. If anything strikes me as particularly noteworthy or inspired, I’ll share it, naturally. Honestly, I’ve probably made more new recipes in the past six months than I have in the previous two years. It’s been fun, but at the moment it’s feeling like pressure. So I need a little breather. It will be fun to peruse my cookbooks without thinking, “Should I make that? Or that? Or THAT?”