health at every sizeI’m in Portland this weekend at the Association for Size Diversity and Health conference, which I’m totally excited about, and not just because the speakers include Lindo Bacon, author of Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight, and Christy Harrison, host of the “Food Psych” podcast,” which I recommend to everyone I can (read: anyone who will listen). Finally, I get to meet her in person, not just via email!

In honor of that, I thought I would post links to a blog series I wrote a few years ago after interviewing both Lindo and Lucy Aphramor, co-author of the book Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, and Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight (which I totally recommend) for The Seattle Times. There’s also a link to the Times column, as well.

If you’re newer to Health at Every Size concepts, I hope you find food for thought in these links. I myself am looking forward to be challenged myself this weekend, as I learn from people who are much more knowledgable about HAES and related issues such as weight stigma and intersectionality than I am.

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